Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Jewish Studies Examples of Work


The children are busy creating flags to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut.


The children had to create a scene from the Ten Plagues using JI Studio.


The children were writing sentences about their favourite foods in Ivrit

The children are taking part in their morning Tefillah.

The children had to create a Popplet of all the customs of Rosh Hashanah.

The children identified the prefixes, suffixes and keywords in a piece of text from the Chumash. 

Year 4 wrote and performed a Purim performance poem.  They used the success criteria for performance poetry to create a really effective poem and enjoyed performing it to the whole school.

Our Purim Performance Poem

By Year 4

In the land of Shushan many years ago

A queen called Vashti said “No. no. no!’

I won’t go to your party

I won’t go there

I’m covered in spots

They are everywhere!

‘I will find a new Queen’

King Achashverosh did say

‘I didn’t really like you anyway!’


Esther was chosen as the brand new Queen

She didn’t reveal she was Jewish

Didn’t want to make a scene

(And she wasn’t very keen on being a Queen!)


There was a wicked man who was evil and mean

He wanted to kill every Jew- even the Queen!

His name was Haman as you may know

When we hear his name ‘Boo’ we go!

He made a plot and then used lots…


Esther and Mordechai found out about the plan

‘That Haman is a cruel and vicious man.’

Esther and Mordechai plan 3 things

No food, no drink and tefillah we do

If I can do it then so can you!


To a party Esther invited that wicked man

(She was going to reveal the awful plan!)

At party number 2 she told the KIng

That man is going to do a wicked thing!

He really wants to kill the Jews!

Please please can you refuse!

Haman’s face went very white

He really did get a terrible fright!

‘Get rid of this man!” Achashverosh did  say

‘Guards! Take him away!’


And now on this date

We party and celebrate!

Happy Purim to all of you

When you hear Haman’s name say ‘Boooo!’



The children learnt the names of the different services for Yom Kippur.

The children thought about each other and the best way to treat our friends.


The children had to think of questions that they wanted to ask Rabbi Schochet on their Shul visit.

Year 4 used Tagxedo programme to create Rosh Hashanah cards for their families.

The children were writing about their families in Ivrit

The children are busy creating flags to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut.

The children were writing about their families

in Ivrit.