Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 3


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


The children enjoyed their Geography lesson this week, using atlases to try to find the world’s rainforests.


Science this week was the start of a new topic on plants. The children headed up to the garden area to find some weeds, looking at the roots, stem, leaves and flower.


In Science this week, the children finished off their learning about light and shadows by measuring how big the shadow gets, the further away the object is from a light source.


In English, the children enjoyed finishing their learning on ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. They wrote their own newspaper articles, with a lot of children choosing to do this on laptops.


In History, the class opened envelopes to reveal a source of evidence about Tutankhamun. They had to use the information they had gathered to find out facts about the famous Pharaoh.


In Science this week, the children investigated how mirrors work. They used mirrors to try and reflect the light from the light bulb to the ceiling.


Following the reading of a passage in our new book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes, the children freeze-framed a scene and wrote how the characters might be feeling, thinking, what they might be saying and what they might do next.


The class began their new Science topic by sorting pictures into ‘sources of light’ and ‘not sources of light’. They learnt that the moon, mirrors and a window were not sources of light because they don’t make the light themselves.


As part of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, the children created spirals of all the things that are important to them personally.


The children finished their own tin forest’s, based on the story The Tin Forest.


The class began their new Maths unit on measurement, learning how to use a metre ruler and measure in centimetres and metres.


The class continued reading their class story, where the old man has a dream that he is in a jungle. The children wrote their own free verse poems and performed them to the class.


The children have been learning about British Artists and this week studied Thomas Gainsborough’s famous painting ‘Mr and Mrs Andrews’.


The class have been learning about Iron Age roundhouses. They used card and straw to make their own mini roundhouse.


In English, the children read how Ug had invented a wheel. The class gave Ug some advice about what he could do with the wheel.


The class began their multiplication and division unit by creating equal groups using counters and pegs.  


In Art, the children continued looking at leaves by attempting to fold paper to create a leaf.  


In Art this week, the children were able to use leaves they had collected to print images of them into their books.


The class completed an experiment to find out the properties of different rocks, including permeability and durability.


The children enjoyed beginning their new Science topic – Rocks and Soils. They investigated 15 different types of rocks, describing their appearance and physical properties


The children are preparing to learn Chumash and played games matching the divisions of the verses or sentences to help them finding the place in the Chumash without using the page number.


The class loved the start of Black History Month, learning about different influential musicians, including Ella Fitzgerald and Bob Marley.


The children enjoyed taking their learning outside this week. They used sticks and stones to create 3-digit numbers.


In Science, the class looked at different animal’s skeletons and compared vertebrates with invertebrates. They were then able to understand the difference between endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons.


The children wrote letters to the Mayor of The Little Island town, from their book. They read their letters to each other in their most persuasive voices.


The children have been enjoying their new class book – The Little Island. They looked at a picture of the setting – a farm – and described what they could see.


In Maths this week, the class have been learning about money. They used various coins and notes to make different amounts.      


In English, the class were able to perform the story of ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ in groups.     


The class enjoyed learning about volume and capacity by measuring the amount of water in measuring cylinders.    


The class began the design stage of their DT project on battery operated lights, considering design specifications to make their lights successful.   


Science was fun this week. The children learnt about sun safety and how UV light can be harmful. They designed new sunglasses or hats to protect from the sun.  


Our DT lesson on series circuits was an excellent learning experience for the children. They created circuits using wires, batteries and bulbs and were very excited when their bulb lit up.  


The children enjoyed investigating which materials were reflective or not. They shone a torch through a white piece of card and looking for the reflection of the light back onto the card. 


In History, the children were very excited to start their new topic on Ancient Egypt. They became archaeologists and looked at various artefacts, trying to work out what the item could tell them about Ancient Egypt.


In JS, the children created scenarios of welcoming in new people, which is linked to the Middah of this week Parasha, Mishpatim.  


The class were able to look at an image from their English story book and discuss what the different aspects of the image might be thinking and feeling.  


:The children enjoyed looking at magnets this week. They learnt about the invisible magnetic force and were able to see it by using a magnet and iron filings.


The children used lolly sticks to support their maths learning. They were able to divide with remainders by making triangles and squares and seeing how many were left over.


The class have been reading a story about an old man who lives alone in the middle of lots of rubbish. They drew and wrote about a dream he might have had.


In JS, the children wrote their own plays about the Chanukah story and acted them out - it was a lot of fun!

08/12/23 The class enjoyed a Science experiment, investigating which soil was the most permeable.  


In Science this week, the children investigated the different types of soil. They noticed dry and wet soil, as well as some dead leaves and worms.


The class enjoyed creating text boxes and learning how to format them in their computing lesson this week.


The class have been reading a book about a boy from the Stone Age called Ug. They created games that he might have played in the Stone Age using natural materials.


The children have begun their History unit on the Stone Age and have already been thinking of multiple questions to ask. They have found the information learnt so far really interesting and thought about how the hunter-gatherers survived.


The class enjoyed a PSHE lesson this week about bullying – understanding the definition of bullying and the different types, as well as how to deal with it if it ever happens.


The class have loved learning about extreme weather, finishing the unit with a lesson on tornadoes. They had to try to sort the images of tornadoes to their description.



For DT this week, the children participated in a tomato tasting session, exploring 5 different varieties of tomatoes.


The class had some amazing DT lessons this week. They started by investigating strawberries, understanding how they are grown and some interesting facts about them, before creating strawberry smoothies.


The class had an amazing DT session this week, making their own pesto from scratch! They took it in turns to grind basil and pumpkin seeds down to a pulp, before adding parmesan cheese and a few other ingredients. The children were very excited to eat their pesto with some yummy pasta!


: The class have been enjoying silent reading sessions, choosing books from the book corner or their library books to sit and read in a quiet, calm space.


In PSHE this week, the class learnt about peer pressure. They discussed how this can be positive and negative and gave each other examples.