Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 2

Come and see our highlights from 2016-2017.

Please click here to view Year 2's Newsletters from 2016-2017


Here are some quotes from the children about their learning in the Autumn Term:

I have enjoyed playing with my friends in the playground.

I have enjoyed writing my stories.

I am proud of my handwriting.

I tried hard with my puppet and it ended up really good.

My spelling has got better.

I am proud of my puppet.

I have learnt to thread a needle and tie a knot.

I have learnt how to sew.

I have learnt to write an algorithm.

I have learnt to us punctuation correctly.


In the second half of the Summer term the children explored capacity and learnt to measure liquid in Millilitres.

The children have taken part in lots of outdoor learning opportunities and enjoyed solving maths problems outside.

In the first part of the Summer Term, Year 2 have been using lots of inference and deduction skills connected to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

In Jewish Studies, the children have been working on their script letters.

The children became detectives when investigating who had broken into our classroom.

In the second part of the Spring Term the children immersed themselves in the book Claude in the City by Alex T Smith. They retold the story by recreating Claude’s journey around the city. The children then went on to write their own Claude adventure.

The children had a very exciting book week which included a visit from the author Pippa Goodhart!

In the first half of the Spring Term, in Science, the children learnt all about animals. They learnt to classify and sort animals according to whether they are a reptile, mammal, amphibian, bird, fish or insect.

In the second half of the Autumn Term the children learnt all about road safety and then applied this practically when crossing the road themselves.

In Art, the children have been exploring the work of the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. The children then went onto make their own natural sculptures inspired by his work.

The children enjoyed making Hamantaschen for Purim.

The children have begun to use the number track and other practical resources to help solve multiplication and division problems.

The children have used their imaginations and observations of the chicks to write their own chick diaries.  They pretended to be the chicks and made sure their writing was full of adjectives and words to describe feelings. They enjoyed sharing their diaries with each other.

In the first half of the Autumn Term the children have shown how they work on independent tasks around the classroom and in a group. This picture shows some of the work they have been up to.

The children tested out their aeroplanes and investigated what they could do to improve them.

They also practised retelling their stories from Beegu’s perspective and filmed each other.

The children worked well with an adult to write their retelling of Beegu using their story map to help them.

One of Year 2's highlights in Jewish Studies was when they tasted lots of Rosh Hashanah food and described them using all of their senses.

Each week they also have an exercise in problem solving. This helps stretch their thinking skills and build their resilience.

They worked hard to learn lots of Israeli Dances which they then performed at the Israeli Dance Festival.

In Maths, Year 2 have been measuring in lots of practical situations.

During Science Week, the children learnt all about our bodies and how to stay healthy. They enjoyed a Hands On Science workshop in which they discovered how much sugar is really in Coca Cola!

As part of our topic ‘A Day in the Life’ topic, we had a children’s doctor come to talk to us. We learnt all about what she did and even got to try on and play with some of the equipment.

Year 2 had chicks in their classroom for a whole two weeks! They were lucky enough to see them hatch and grow. Some of the children even had a chance to hold them!

In History, the children enjoyed exploring and sorting old and new toys and teddies. They compared present day toys from those in the past.


Throughout the term, they have been using lots of concrete apparatus and practical activities to help develop their understanding of numbers and place  value.