Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 6

Come and see our highlights from 2017-2018.

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In the second half of the Summer term Year 6 participated in a challenging Kosher apprentice workshop, they designed, advertised and marketed a brand new Kosher product.

In the first half of the summer term In Science, the children identified parts of a plant and explained their function.

In the second half of the Spring term, the children have been conducting lots of investigations to find out about the forces around us.

Year 5 and 6 came together for a lovely Tu Bishevat party, they all had a fantastic time singing songs and tasting all the different types of fruit.

In the first half of the Spring term they applied their reading skills to summarise text, convey key information in writing and present their research in the form of a 3D model.

In the second half of the Autumn Term Year 6 enjoyed participating in an exciting GIFT session given by Rabbi Zeidman . After the talk which was titled "giving of ourselves to others ," they all created lovely welcome signs to welcome visitors in and help them feel at home .

In the first half of the Autumn term Year 6 have enjoyed exploring the text ‘The Journey’ by Francesca Sanna which depicted the journey of a refugee family. The children made lots of inferences, predictions and observations based on the illustrations and developed lots of writing around it.

Our end of year play was a huge success- the Year 6 children were thrilled to deliver our very own “Etz Chaim has Talent."

For Shavout, the children enjoyed sketching still life drawings in the style of Cézanne.

This term, Year 6 filled their Warm and Fuzzy Jar. The children chose music as their reward. They spent a lesson rehearsing and performing musical acts. Some of the children were extremely brave and performed solo. It was an opportunity for children to share their talents and celebrate them.

In Dance this term, the children applied their learning of the Haka from Year 5. They have been creating our own Year 6 Haka by incorporating every pairs’ ideas into the sequence. They also added our own secret handshake twist to make it truly our own.

When learning about the Circulatory system, the children made their own models to demonstrate how oxygen is pumped around the body. 

Year 6 have enjoyed researching and learning all about rivers this half term.

Year 6 worked hard to make Chanukiot tiles taking inspiration from Marc Chagall’s paintings. They all produced really colourful paintings with many different types of Chanukah symbols.

The children developed their empathy and understanding of refugees by watching and reading refugee accounts and through role play and drama.

This half term, the Tzedakah Tzevet were chosen and Year 6 launched their giving initiative. They have been collecting coats, school uniform and stationery in aid of refugees. Year 6 also presented a fantastic assembly all about the role of the Tzedakah Tzevet, giving and refugees.

The children had a fantastic sports day in Mill Hill park, the sun was shining and everyone enjoyed  a great day with a nice variety of sports activity.

Year 6 enjoyed the GIFT Supermarket Challenge where they had to shop for a family on a budget. They then packaged and donated the food they bought to families in need.

The children have enjoyed investigating this year.

As part of Israel 70, the children designed and constructed their own buildings to represent Israel in the past, present and future.

The children measured and cut wood using a saw. They used lots of different resources and materials to produce their final pieces.

They all enjoyed their residential trip to Kingswood.The teaching staff were so proud of how well the children looked out for each other and how the class worked collaboratively to support each other.

In Maths, Year 6 have enjoyed using lots of practical resources to represent mathematical concepts and show their understanding in different ways.