Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Book Week 2019

The pupils at Etz Chaim had the most incredible week enjoying stories during Book Week 2019. The theme this year was 'The Art of Storytelling.' The children, indeed enjoyed telling stories, acting out stories and hearing stories! A highlight of the week was the special family reading time which all children enjoyed with their families and siblings. At the end of the first day, teachers enjoyed telling their most loved stories to pupils who came to listen to them! What a wonderful time they all had!

We were also visited in the week by the drama group 'West End in Schools,' who carried out drama workshops for some of the children where they were able to 'bring books to life.' All pupils also loved hearing the story teller, Ursula Holden Gill, tell her imaginative stories. They loved being transported out of the ordinary classroom and into their own imaginations.
Thank you to all families who supported the Book Fair this year. Pupils also loved swapping books and taking home a new book for them to enjoy. 
We are still waiting to see the winners of our story telling competition - as well as which class won the 'Design a story telling chair!' Watch this space!!