Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 5


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


Year 5 have started a new History topic – Entertainment and Leisure. The children looked at film posters from the 20th century. They then made their own film posters.


In Music, Year 5 have been learning a West African song- Shoshalooza. The children used instruments to play along to the song, learning which notes to play to the tune.


In maths, Year 5 have been learning about Statistics. They learnt how to read and interpret timetables and had a go at drawing a timetable of their ideal weekend.


This week Year 5 held a debate, debating the question ‘The varmints should stop thinking and accept the changes as a sign of positive progress’. They came up with arguments for and against to convince their classmates of their viewpoints.


In Jewish Studies, Year 5 used natural materials such as flowers and leaves to print designs onto their Purim themed poster. Each group focussed on one of the characters from the Purim story.


The children listened to the music from the Varmints film and used oil pastels and charcoal to draw what they could hear. They then labelled their pictures using expanded noun phrases.


 In Year 5 we have started reading a new book- Varmints. The children thought about what a varmint might look like and imagined there had been an outbreak of these creatures in our local area. They created campaign posters to warn the public of the outbreak


Year 5 have started learning about mountains in Geography. The children applied their map reading skills using atlases to locate mountains in Europe.


Year 5 have been learning about decimals in Maths. This week they were ordering and comparing decimals up to three decimal places. They compared two numbers and represented them in a place value chart.


In Ivrit this week, Year 5 were writing about their dreams in Hebrew.


Year 5 enjoyed visiting the school library to choose new books to read. Our library monitors recommended books to their classmates and helped them to scan them out


In PE, Year 5 have been doing gymnastics. They had a go at balancing with a partner, using their core strength, teamwork and communication skills.


Year 5 have started reading a new book, The children of the Benin Kingdom. They sorted adjectives into groups of synonyms and antonyms then decided which adjectives described the characters of Ada and Mbe.


In English, Year 5 have been making maps of Odysseus’ journey, showing the route that he travelled on his 20-year adventure.


In Science this week, Year 5 learnt about Leonardo DaVinci and his ‘Vitruvian Man’. The children tested Da Vinci’s theories about the proportions of the body by carrying out their own investigation.


Year 5 have started making their marble runs in DT. They put their skills to the test, practicing the joining methods that they learnt last week.


Year 5 created storyboards retelling the story of Odysseus, his crew and the cyclops. The children used their storyboards to retell the story to each other.


Year 5 have been writing play scripts based around our class text, The Adventures of Odysseus, when Odysseus meets the cyclops, Polyphemus. Some of the children then performed their play scripts to the class.


This week in Science, Year 5 investigated how evidence is used by Crime Scene Investigation Technicians to solve crimes. The children investigated how geology, chromatography, DNA and fingerprints can be used as evidence.


In Art, Year 5 have been studying Ancient Egypt. The children made Egyptian masks out of paper mache, waited for them to dry then carefully painted them.


Year 5 have been learning about how to turn a simple noun phrase into an expanded noun phrase using adjectives and prepositional phrases. They came up with their own expanded noun phrases using Thesauruses to find impressive vocabulary.


In English, Year 5 wrote freeform poems based around our class book, ‘Wonder’. The children performed their poems to their classmates and redrafted them using the feedback given.


This week, the children solved a Maths investigation. They used their teamwork and problem solving skills to find out who had the key to the locked cupboard.


In Science, Year 5 looked at Geocentric versus Heliocentric beliefs about the Solar System. They wrote scripts pretending to be scientists throughout history, such as Copernicus, Ptolemy and Kepler explaining what they believed.


Year 5 used Gattegno Grids to represent and partition numbers up to 1,000,000. They also practiced adding and subtracting 10/100/1000 to their numbers.


Year 5 learnt about Roman Numerals this week. They matched the Roman Numeral to its corresponding number, putting the pieces together in a puzzle.


In Jewish Studies, Year 5 have been learning about how to prepare their homes for Pesach, including Bedikat Chametz.


Year 5 have been learning about mountains. They used computers to create brochures for mountain tourists, writing about the positives and negatives of mountain tourism.


Year 5 analysed the features of a persuasive letter in preparation for writing their own persuasive letters, persuading the varmint to either stay or leave.


The children used paper and wire to create plants and flower. We then arranged all of their creations to make a classroom display.


Year 5 took home plant cuttings this week to learn about how come plants can reproduce asexually. Each child has a clone of the parent plant.


In Science, Year 5 have started learning about the sexual reproduction of plants. They sorted plants and flowers into whether they were pollinated by the wind or by insects.


In Art, Year 5 had a go at drawing plants and flowers in pencil in their sketch books, looking closely at the details.


In Science this week, Year 5 learnt about reversible changes and separating mixtures. They investigated separating mixtures using different processes, such as filtration to separate sand and water and sieving to separate flour and raisins.


Year 5 made Challah dough in preparation for their Shabbaton!


In English, Year 5 worked together to make story boards about Children of the Benin Kingdom.


In JS, Year 5 designed, made and painted candle holders in preparation for the Shabbaton.


In History this week, the children learnt about art in the Benin Kingdom. They drew Benin Bronzes and thought about people’s attitudes towards this art.


In Science, Year 5 are learning about properties of materials. They investigated the properties of different materials, thinking about the uses for these materials based on their properties.


In PE this week, Year 5 have been practicing their accuracy and ball skills by playing a game of bowling.


Year 5 have been learning about search engines and web crawlers. The children used three different search engines to compare the search results given by a search term.


In Jewish Studies, Year 5 have been designing their own Chanukiot in the style of artist Romero Britto, ready to make in time for Chanukah!


In History, Year 5 have been researching ancient Greek life in Sparta and in Athens. They looked at the similarities and differences between these two city states, thinking about how different their lives are now to those of the ancient Greeks.


In DT, Year 5 have been looking at marble runs and practicing skills to help them build their own ones. This week the children practiced creating bends for their marble runs


Year 5 enjoyed practicing their Hebrew reading, translating a story about a dove and a crow


In PSHE this week, Year 5 have been thinking about being a class community. They also focused on the feeling of gratitude and recognising things they are grateful for in their lives


In Science, the children made their own models of the Sun, Earth and Moon and described the movement of these spherical bodies.


In Computing this week, the children learnt about using strong passwords to stay safe online. They came up with their own strong passwords and ways of remembering these.


In Art, the children designed then sculpted their own Egyptian masks using clay, making ancient Egyptian style designs in the clay with the clay tools.


In PE the children practiced their basketball skills and hand-eye coordination, throwing and catching the ball whilst moving.


In Music this week, the children listened to the song ‘Walk like an Egyptian’ showing the structure of the music using hieroglyphs.


The children made artworks in the theme of our class book, ‘Wonder’. They personalised their artworks, writing words about themselves around their portraits.