Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Mathemagical Day 2017

Mathemagical Day was a whole day dedicated to Maths activities and investigations. There were a number of themes throughout the day including Maths in Art, Maths in Baking, Maths and Money, Maths in JS and Maths in school and out. In Key Stage 2 we also explored the magic of numbers and tried out some different mathemagical tricks, thinking about whether they always work and why.


Please see below for pictures of Mathemagical Day



Nursery went on a shape hunt to see what shapes they could find around the school. The children explored weight and measuring by playing in the water, filling and emptying containers and making delicious rainbow challah which they took home for Shabbat. They rolled the dice and counted the dots, then built towers.

Here are some quotes from the children:

I liked making my hat
I liked wearing my hat to school.
I did water play, I filled jugs up.
I found a heart shape.
We went on a shape hunt.
I liked making Challah.
I made blue and yellow, blue and yellow pattern (with pegs).


Reception talked about the hats they made. They saw numbers, symbols, letters and shapes.  The discussed the meaning of the symbols + - and = and even wrote our own number sentences. Our maths challenge for the day was to make 100 out of the numicon. They have been measuring and pouring sand into scales and containers using scoopers, spoons and cups. 

Here are some quotes from the children:

I learnt symbols
I liked making my maths hat
I maked pizza for Yosef's coat
I have bee measuring how much sand to fill up socks
I learnt the symbol of adding

Year 1

In Year 1 the children explored a range of practical skills such as; money amounts and value in their shop, while measuring their height using different mathematical scales.

Here are some quotes from the children:

I enjoyed the hatwalk, the glove activity and ordering teen numbers.
I enjoyed the cupcakes. They had numbers and p on them and we put the coins on them.

Year 2

In Year 2 the children had a Mathtastical day! They used their problem solving skills to find lots of possible combinations of coins to make the same amount. They hunted for maths in real life and created art work in the style of Mondrian using oblongs and rectangles. Finally, they ended the day with a 'hatwalk' to show off their maths hats and share their learning with Year 1. 

Here are some quotes from the children:

I enjoyed making the different amounts of money.
I enjoyed making the shapes with paper, like Mondrian and painting it.
I learnt everyone is different as everyone did their hats in different ways.
Using the coins made it much easier than using your hands

Year 3

In the Year 3 classroom, Years 3, 4 and 5 had an interactive session all about money and savings.

Here are some quotes from the children:

We tried the challenges and first we found it hard but then we worked through them and understood it.
Tesselation was challenging.


Year 4

In the Year 4 classroom, the Key Stage 2 children explored different mathemagical tricks. They also sorted and classified amenities in the local area. 

Here are some quotes from the children:

There are two types of cards, credit cards and debit cards.
A debit card is to do with your own money. It comes from your bank account.
A credit card is when you borrow money and have to pay it back with interest.
I enjoyed doing learning about money. I made different amounts of coins.


Year 5

In the Year 5 classroom, we looked at maths in art and explored tessellating patterns and tangrams.  As well as natural and man-made spirals.

Here are some quotes from the children:

We learnt all about Fibonacci.
A tangram is made out of 7 shapes, it was first discovered in China.
I enjoyed learning about ways I could save money.