Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Children in Need and Mitzvah Day 2014

On Friday 14th November 2014 we celebrated Mitzvah Day and Children in Need.
Children in Need is a charity that believes every child in the UK should have a childhood which is:
  • Safe
  • Happy and Secure
  • Allows them the chance to reach their potential
There are many children that do not have these luxuries. We dressed in our pyjamas and raised £126.12 to help disadvantaged children and young people right here in the UK.
Mitzvah Day is an annual day of social action where thousands upon thousands of people donate their time, not their money. At Etz Chaim, Year 2 and Year 3 children carried out a litter collection in Daws Lane. They collected three big bags of rubbish and really improved the local area!
We have supported these charities before and are proud to support them again this year.