Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Road Safety Week 2014

During Road Safety Week, the children were busy learning about road safety.

In Nursery and Reception they talked about the importance of being safe when crossing the road. They laid out the road and zebra crossing in the playground and learnt the names of the crossing and signage surrounding it. They learnt not to step onto the kerb until we know the road is clear of cars and safe to cross.  The children enjoyed going to Daws Lane to cross the road safely.

In Year 1 they read a story about two children who were learning to keep safe whilst out and about with their dad on a trip to the park. The children wrote their own "Always" and "Never" safety sentences such as "Always hold an adult’s hand to cross the road." and "Never play with a ball near a road."

The children enjoyed role-play crossing the road on a zebra crossing and dressed up as some of the people who help us keep safe.  They also practised crossing Daws Lane with our teachers.

In Year 2 they have learnt the Green Cross Code and wrote instructions on how to cross the road safely.  The children went in small groups to practise crossing the road safely on Daws Lane.  They have written acrostic poems to inform others of how to stay safe when crossing the road

In Year 3, they enjoyed walking across the road during Road Safety Week. They discussed the importance of safety when crossing the road. They know they must always stop, look and listen for oncoming cars.  The children also know that it is really important never to cross the road behind a parked car and to always make sure they can be seen.

They have been learning about inventions. The children planned and made inventions to help us keep safe on the roads. They designed special robots and gadgets that they thought would be really useful.