Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

"The best thing about my school is the computers and all the resources." Year 4


At Etz Chaim we aim for our children to become independent users of a variety of different technology. We want them to gain confidence in using a range of technology as well as enjoy the lessons planned. Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum alongside Kapow for fun, engaging and safe lessons. We follow a progression of skills in Digital Literacy, Computer Science, Information Technology and Online Safety.


We provide the children with the skills to be able to independently problem solve and tackle any problem they are given. We want these skills to be enjoyable for the children as they will remain with them for life.


Our Computing curriculum is broken down into three strands;

Computer Science – underlines the knowledge and skills relating to programming, coding, algorithms and computational thinking;

Information Technology – underlines the knowledge and skills relating to communication, multimedia and data representation/handling

Digital Literacy – underlines the knowledge and skills relating to online safety and technology uses


We have a wide range of resources to support teaching and learning, including Chromebooks, Thinkpads, iPads, bee-bots, pro-bots and recordable microphones. The children are taught to use technology independently, in pairs or in an adult-led group. Throughout the school, the children and staff upload work to SeeSaw, which is linked to parents so they can see some of their children’s work and communicate with staff.


Online Safety is taught explicitly throughout all areas of our Computing curriculum as well as being taught through specific Online Safety units. We take part in Internet Safety Day each year, which is planned by Streetwise, the Computing Lead and our Digital Leaders.


Please click here to view the Computing Progression Document.