E-Safety Parent Advice
At home, sometimes children can be given unsupervised access to the Internet. This potentially allows them to access all kinds of content (both good and bad) and bring them virtually into their homes.
Here are some tips and useful links to help you keep your children safe online:
- Keep your computer in a shared area- Talk to your child about what they are doing online and, if possible, set up your computer in a shared area at home so that you can all share in the wonderful sites that are available online.
- Treat your passwords like a toothbrush- Talk to your child and make sure they do not share their password with anyone.
Parent Guides - What You Need To Know About...
There are a number of search engines that are designed specifically for children and we currently use www.kidrex.org which can also be used at home. Please see below some useful links with more information about internet safety.
National Online Safety is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all internet safety information, including courses for parents and governors and specific information on various social media platforms. Can be downloaded as an app.
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to justice.
Staying Safe Online (Google): Quick tips and how-to’s from Google that explain what you can do to stay safe and secure on the web.
Think U Know contains internet safety advice for those aged from 5 to 16, along with parents and teachers. This site is produced by CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre).
Internet Matters contains information and advice to support you and your child when using the internet.
Parent Protect provides advice and information on how to protect children from sexual abuse, what to do if sexual abuse has or is taking place, where to get help.
Childline is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK.
UK Safer Internet Centre has a wide range of activities to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.
Childnet helps to make the internet a safe place for children.
Share Aware encourages families to talk about socialising safely online.
Parents can learn how to stay safe when on social media