Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

School Uniform


The items listed in bold type must be purchased from the 'Uniform4Kids' School Shop. The other items can be brought from any shop (e.g. supermarket) that stocks school uniform. Please contact the school office for details of where you can obtain second hand uniform.

GIRLS (Reception - Yr 2)

Green/white polo shirt with logo

Green cardigan with logo

Grey knee-length pinafore/ grey knee-length skirt  (with charcoal grey tights or white socks)

Plain black shoes to be worn



GIRLS (Reception -Yr 6)

Girls can wear green gingham summer dresses (knee-length, A-line)

White socks should be worn

Plain black shoes or white closed sandals can be worn with summer dress

BOYS (Reception - Yr 6)

Green/white polo shirt with logo

Green v-neck jumper with logo

Grey trousers (plain dark grey or black socks should be worn)

Plain black shoes to be worn
BOYS (Reception - Yr 6)

Green/white polo shirt with logo

Green v-neck jumper with logo

Grey shorts (grey or black socks should be worn)

Plain black shoes or dark coloured closed toe sandals should be worn


As part of the Boys’ uniform we ask them to wear a school kippah and tzizit


PE KIT (both boys and girls)

Green school hooded top with school logo or plain bottle green hooded top
Plain white t-shirt (no writing on it)
Plain black tracksuit bottoms (not leggings)
Plain black polycotton shorts can be worn in the summer (not cycling shorts)
Plain white socks
Plain white trainers for outdoor PE
PE Bag – all children will require a PE bag with the school logo. Please note there is an optional larger PE bag for KS1 and KS2.



Other Items Required:

  • Rucksack – all children will require a school rucksack with the school logo
  • Please ensure children have a named non-school cap to keep in their tray at school

Outdoor coats should be a plain dark colour (e.g. navy or black); hats, scarves and gloves can be any colour.

There is a cap with the school logo on it that is available to purchase.

There is an optional fleece that is available to purchase.


Please click here to view our School Uniform Policy for more information


Items with the school logo are available from Howard Bros, 30 The Broadway, Mill Hill, NW7 3LL. Tel 020 8959 4987 See for further details. 




Please click here to download school uniform list