Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 4


Welcome to our Headline of the week. This will give you a small taster of some of the learning taking place in your child’s class.

We hope you enjoy reading our Headlines each week.


In ICT this week Year 4 began a new unit all about animation. We started by looking at what animation is and how things were animated in the 18 hundred’s, learning all about the Zoetrope, Thaumatrope and flip books. We them tried to make our own flip book – we learnt we need lots of patience and can only make very small changes in our illustrations.


In Year 4 this week, we have been looking at the geography of Israel, as part of our Yom Ha’atzmaut learning


In Computing this week, the children have really enjoyed working with the new laptops, using a programme called Turtle Logo. They have been learning how to programme a turtle to do all different activities, while learning programming techniques.



The children in Etz Chaim were serenaded this week as a Year 4 pupil performed for everyone in assembly.



The children in Year 4 had great fun creating Hamentashen in the Food Tech room, with the filling that won the vote – chocolate


This week the children in Year four went to the Reception classroom, to spend some quality time reading to the Reception children. Year 4 had a wonderful afternoon and didn’t want to leave Reception.


In DT this week we learnt all about levers and linkages. In groups we then made our own out of cardboard, making crocodile mouths and waving hands.


In Year 4 this week, in ICT we have been learning how to add hyperlinks to our work, by trying to add a link to a recipe we like on bbc food to the recipe cards we have been creating.


In Year 4 this week, we have learning about the states of matter of water. We looked at evaporation, condensation, freezing and melting.  For evaporation we had cups of water hidden around the school at different temperatures, to see if the water stayed the same, went up or down. We learnt that they all went down, but the one in the heat next to the radiator evaporated the most. We also played around with some ice (shaped like hands) and tried to melt it as well as looking at condensation on mirrors.


In Year 4 this week, we have creating different styles on paper hats after learning all about Coco Chanel. We learnt she was a famous designer, who changed the face of women’s fashion. One of the things she was famous for designing was hats.


As this week has been digital safety week, the digital leaders in Year 4 had the opportunity to lead the digital safety assembly for the whole school. Well done digital leaders, you did really well.


In Year 4 this week, we have been looking at the artist, architect and illustrator Le Corbusier’s who loved his designs to include lots of shapes and not the same shapes as everyone else was using. His designs include some very unusually shaped buildings. We therefore created our own buildings, putting together some unusual shapes in unusual ways.


Once our artwork was created, we put on art shirts and painted our creations. We discovered it was a lot harder than we thought it would be. We learnt it must have been very tough having to hold the arm up for the whole time.


In Science this week we had our first opportunity to try and build working circuits, using wires, bulbs, cells, buzzers and motors. After first looking at how we keep safe working with electricity, we made our own circuits and tried to see if we could make the bulbs light and the buzzers buzz!


This week year 4 have been privileged with a visit from Bikability. In groups, some children braved the cold and went outside to learn important cycling skills on the school playground.


After a lot of threading, stitching and some needle conundrums, we have finally finished making our juggling balls. We are proud of our playful, fun achievements.


In Computing, Year 4 have been looking at working collaboratively. They have been working in small groups to complete the Collaboration Challenge.



In Science, Year 4 have been experimenting the changing the state of a solid to a liquid. Children have been testing the length of time a will solid take to melt by changing the temperature of the liquid.


In Computing, we have been developing a deeper understanding of communication and collaboration. In this lesson we explored email communication, and how it is used for good and bad. We read different scenarios and categorised them into trust worthy or untrustworthy situations. This will help us to avoid being scammed.


In Maths, Year 4 have been exploring the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. Children are working on understanding that addition and subtraction are inverse operations, that addition is commutative and subtraction is not.


In DT, we are designing our own juggling balls.  We have been discussing and develop ideas, now we are showing them using annotated sketches, with consideration to the targeted audience. 


In Geography, we have been identifying the position and significance of the Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere by researching countries in different hemispheres, using atlases to find the information.


In maths, children have thoroughly enjoyed, code breaking using Roman numerals. Children have explored the similarities and differences between the Roman number system and our number system, understanding that the Roman system does not have a zero and does not use placeholders.


We have been enjoying music, we have moved from making musical sequences using body percussion to instruments. We were using various instruments to create rainforest rhythms. Children were focusing on creating two layers of the rainforest sounds and playing simple melodies to represent these layers. They were then combining it with their body percussion and performing them as one piece.


In Art, we have been continuing with bodies. Children have designed maquette in their sketch books and are now, using those designs to create 3D maquettes making sure they can stand up steadily.


In English we have been conducting research based on our favourite topics. Children are using digital resources to find out information that will be most useful for their non-chronological reports.


:Year 4 are fully participating in PE, they are all eager and enthusiastically involved in aspects of the lesson. Their new PE teacher is pleased to see how much they are sharing their prior knowledge of the activities he is setting. 


In Art, Year4 were enjoying some outdoor learning in the playground. Children made different kinds of body shapes, influenced by the works of Julia Opie. They were using chalk to draw round each other’s body shapes focusing on the outlines. They then stood back, looked at the outlines and discussed what the shapes remind them of.


This week we had loads of fun activities to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut. One of the activities we did, as we arrived in the morning was to create our own Yom Ha’atzmaut 76 poster. We looked at some examples of the official posters produced by Israel for some of the 76 years and then created our own.



In Maths this week, we came to the end of our unit on fractions and used lots of Maths resources to help us prepare for the end of unit test.


Year 4 have been creating a moving poster in groups to promote recycling in DT. This week they began to start making their designs.


Year 4 have been learning all about fractions, improper fractions nd mixed numbers. We have also been learning how to convert between them.


On Purim in school Year 4 spent some of the morning creating a Purimrama, which is a 3D depiction of all the mitzvoth of Purim.


In Geography we were learning all about how water is purified for us to be able to drink. To demonstrate this, we added some mud to some water and left it all day for the sediment to fall and leave the dirty water for us to clean. We tried using different combinations of sand, blue hand towels, straw, chalk, pebbles and other coarse soil to see if we could clean the water.



In Geography we were learning all about clouds this week. We made a special window to measure the clouds in and went outside to see what we could see. All we could see...was clouds, because it was a British Spring day filled with rain and clouds! 


In Science this week we have been looking at invertebrates. We decided to go on a hunt to see if we could find any in our playground, we all had great fun searching around to see what we could find, and the children were very surprised with some of the things we did find: including numerous worms, slugs, woodlice, spiders and a newt they named Michael! (But were certain it was a lizard!)


In Science this week we have been looking at classifications of animals in more detail. In groups we organised images of animals into different categories and considered some very unusual animals like the duck billed platypus. Not everyone agreed on the category it should be placed, much like the scientists when it was first discovered


In science this week we started our new topic – Living things and their habitats. We started our learning on the topic by looking at ways animals could be classified.  Using a Caroll diagram we grouped some animals into those that are birds or not birds and those that lay eggs or not.


In Year 4 this week, we have been looking at the artist, Rembrandt. We learnt that Rembrandt was a master of portraits and depicting light. To show the light in our work, we shaded the whole of our paper and then added back the light, by drawing with a rubber instead of a pencil. This made some really interesting pictures.


This week across the school has been Art in Maths week and each year group has been looking at a different way in which Maths plays a role in Art, in Year 4 we have been looking at tessellation. We started with simple tessellations, building up to tessellated patterns and even attempted 3D effects.


This week in Year 4 we have been emulating the great artist Michelangelo, by creating our artwork while lying on our backs. But rather than the Sistine Chapel, we were lying on our backs under our tables, painting something he never did – animals.


Some children also managed to make working fans, despite not currently having much use of a fan they had great fun getting them to work.


In Science this week we started our new unit of electricity by looking at appliances, what is an appliance, what are electrical appliances and which are mains or battery operated. Once we had sorted out some examples in our books, we inspected the classroom to see what different appliances we could find.


In Geography we have been learning about the Prime Meridian.  Children have been identifying the position and significance of the Prime/Greenwich Meridian by exploring countries on the Meridian Line, and finding out more about one country on the Prime Meridian.


In DT, we have continued working on our juggling balls. We have cut our tie-dyed fabrics and filled them. We used the running stitch technique to sew the hemming together.


In Chumash, Year 4 showed their learning about Yitzchak's birth by acting out the brit milah as a 'living newspaper'. Each child explained the 'what', 'where', 'when' 'why' and 'how' and their feelings as the individual characters in the story.


In DT, we have been looking at juggling balls. We have been designing our balls and now we are using fabric paints to create tie dye patterns to meet our criteria of circus balls for a young audience.


In PSHE, we have been improving our social skills and thinking about how our behaviour impacts others. We have been using restorative conversations to improve our ability to express our emotions when things happen and thinking of ways to make things better when we hurt others.


In Geography, we have carried on developing our maps skills, the focus was to identify the position and significance of latitude and longitude in the context of using latitude and longitude to read maps.


Science has started with a lot of curiosity and questions about states of matter. Year 4, have been comparing and grouping different materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases.


In Art, Year4 have been developing their creative skills by sculpting figures out of clay in the style of Giacometti. Giacometti sculpted shadows rather than bodies and so children tried their best to imitate this.


In PE, after an intense Netball session, children were cooling down by playing a game of noughts and crosses. They were having fun working as a team and cooperating together.


In Maths, we have enjoyed many opportunities for outdoor learning, one which is multiplications using natural resources such as sticks. Children were collecting sticks and grouping them into different multiples.


In Science, the children have looked at the results of their tooth decay experiment and they wrote detailed conclusions, explaining what happens to teeth when we eat and drink too many sugary products. Children were excited to see the changes that occurred to their eggs (teeth) when exposed to excessive amounts of sugar.


Maths has been practical and resourceful; the class have worked collaboratively to use our resources in different ways. Children have been using manipulatives to show their understanding of partitioning and reinforcing their understanding of number place value.



In music, children to identify structure of the music. We were watching a body percussion concert and children were drawing on whiteboards, what shape they think it would be using a single line. They were creating it arch-shapes, building up to a peak or climax in the middle and coming down the other side at a similar gradient.