Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School


The children rewriting the story of Pesach at the table.

The children are over half way through learning the Aleph Bet. To help them understand the way the letters are written, the children printed Aleph Bet letters with Duplo and paint.

The children love being creative in Reception. here they are using sponges to print shapes onto foil. They chose to use bright paints to have "shiny pictures".

Gymnastics has been a real hit with Reception this term. They have even managed to get changed into their PE kit in under 10 minutes! The children love moving around the hall in different ways and use the equipment sensibly and safely. 

During Chocolate Maths week, the children sorted chocolates out into colours, made patterns with them and matched the correct number of chocolates to the numeral.

The class have been reading Handa's Surprise in Reception. The children retold the story and even went on 'safari' during snack time to see if they could spot the animals. 

We like to make writing fun in Reception. The children love getting clipboards to write with on the carpet. Here they are writing their names in hieroglyphics like Egyptians!

The children in Reception are very creative! They love to junk model and create something new out of something old.

Being in school for the whole of Chanukah was a real treat. The children made their own Chanukiot and decorated them to take home to light. They also made yummy latkes and ate lots of doughnuts!

The children collected Autumn treasures and created their own Leaf Men out of the leaves after reading the story 'Leaf Man'. 

The children in Reception loved starting phonics. To embed their learning of the new sounds, the class made the sounds out of playdough, saying the letter formation rhyme as they rolled their playdough.

In Reception the children love to learn about the different Chaggim. Here they have made a yummy Purim feast.

In Maths this term we have been looking at teen numbers, doubling and halving. Here are some children making doubles in the ladybirds wings.

Reception sang 'Ner Li' in assembly to the whole school. They made gorgeous sparkly candle crowns and were fantastic at singing.

The highlight of the half term was the trip to the Fire Station. Even though it was cut short, the children loved seeing the firefighters in action!

The children learnt about Noach and how Hashem created a beautiful rainbow after the flood. The class made yummy rainbow cookies to remember the rainbow.

For Black History Month, the children learnt about Africa and traditional tribal dress. They used cotton buds and bright colours to create their own African inspired necklaces.