Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 2

During Children's Mental Health Week, the children practised different breathing exercises and discussed the Zones of Regulation. 

The children enjoyed playing ball games during their Maccabi PE sessions. 
The children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite number on NSPCC Number Day.

The children researched Mary Seacole and her significance to our lives today.

Year 2 were very excited to have the opportunity to shake the lulav and etrog over Sukkot.

In PE, Year 2 started to look at different movements including the tuck. 

The children enjoyed creating their masks in their sessions with the Digital Leaders for Safer Internet Day. 

Year 2 enjoyed talking about their likes and dislikes to find similarities with each other during friendship week. 

In Science, Year 2 enjoyed investigating the importance of keeping healthy and hygienic.

The children enjoyed some activities over Sukkot, especially their basketball session with the Year 6 sports leaders.

At the start of their English lesson, the class wrote down their thoughts and knowledge of hedgehogs.

The class read 'The Hodgeheg' by King-Smith. They acted out the story using hedgehogs, exploring how Max might have felt crossing the road.

Year 2 investigated and predicted what would happen with the cardboard box and found out that this was going to become the Egg Box dragon! 

The class used their knowledge of place value to represent different numbers throughout Chocolate Maths week.