Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 2

Please click here to see the new National Curriculum end of year expectations.

Please click here to see the spelling appendix for Year 2.

Please click here to see the grammar appendix for Year 2.


Come and see Year 2's highlights from 2014-2015!

To celebrate ‘Book Week’ the children visited the library and thoroughly enjoyed their treasure hunt to identity different types of books and their features.

The children have developed their ball skills this term and learnt how to control, dribble and stop the ball using their feet.


The children have learnt about different types of transport this half term. They thoroughly enjoyed Mr Zeloof’s visit all about flying a plane and they asked him questions.



The children have practised telling the time to O’Clock, half past, quarter past and to. Some children have started to tell the time to intervals of 5.

The children measured out the correct ingredients and mixed them together to make Hamantaschen for Purim.



The children have conducted an investigate to identify the name of three different herbs by using their 5 senses!

The children did the school proud with their performance to launch our School Library. 





The children have developed their ball skills such as shoulder, chest and bounce pass.  

The children followed instructions and used standard units to measure ingredients to make fairy cakes, play dough and salt dough.  

The children have explored and sorted words with a different number of syllables in to help them identify the correct number, they said the word and clapped the number of syllables.

They were very busy measuring out the ingredients and making a large number of biscuits to sell for the Jewish Bake Sale.



The children have developed their understanding of measures this half term and reading scales. They have also begun to convert measures and understand that a 1000ml equals 1 litre.

In Year 2 they have learnt what it is like to be a leader and the children interviewed Mrs Baron and then used this when voting for the best candidates to be library monitors for our class.

This term the children have thoroughly enjoyed putting together a sequence of acts and performed them in their circus show. They included a start position and an end position. It was lovely to see all the groups including a ringmaster.

The children have enjoyed using the k'nex to build their circus. They have considered the shape that it needs to be, how many rows their needs to be and how many seats in each row.

Year 2 starting the term by being inspired by a playground workshop where they made their own swing, slide or see-saw. They used the skills of joining to make their own playground in a shoe box.  

The children have enjoyed learning their 2, 5 and 10 times table. They have solved missing number sums and used the numicon to support them.



The children have enjoyed reading books and newspapers in our speaking and listening area on our new stools!

Year 2 all really enjoyed Sports Day and all the races such as relay, egg and spoon and the sack race. They particularly liked watching the teacher and parent races!

During our water topic, the children worked collaboratively to build a boat to transport a toy figure from one side to the other. They also discussed how they could improve on their boat.

Mr Baron came in to talk to the children about his taxi.  They enjoyed asking him questions!




In science, the children predicted and investigated the best place to keep the hand in order to keep it frozen for alien Zog.

The children also loved the science workshop where they got to see how different chemicals react with a flame.



They started our unit of Green Fingers by planting their own herb monsters. They have taken care of them and watered them each day.

They also thoroughly enjoyed taking out their first ever book from the library! 





They used these skills to create a small ball game.  The children had to think of the rules and the aim of the game.

They have also looked at the key features that contribute to the perfect set of instructions.