Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 1

The children were so proud this half term when they received their siddur. They had been practising for many weeks, learning the songs and their lines. The show was great proof of their hard work. 

The children were very lucky this half term to have a visit from some chicks. They watched the chicks hatch and grow and were able to hold and play with them.

As part of settling back into the classroom, the children learnt and recapped the Zones of Regulation. This is a great tool to help regulate their emotions in and outside the classroom. They had to put different emotions into the right categories.

Year 1 did some coding this half term. They explored the Bee-bots and gave the Bee-bots instructions to correctly follow a path from start to the end line.  

The children enjoyed celebrating National Fitness Day by taking part in a whole school exercise routine on TEAMs which was really fun!

As part of looking after our world, the children used natural resources to make bird feeders. They made them in groups and then wrote instruction texts to teach others how to make bird feeders.

The children began their topic 'Our World' by discussing the things that they liked about their world and what was important to them. They recorded this on a mind map.


In the second half of the term, Year 1 looked at the book Man on the Moon. They went on a visit to the moon with their partner. One person was Bob (the Man on the Moon) and the other was a moon tourist. They talked about how they felt and what they could see.

The children in Year 1 enjoyed reading the book Knuffle Bunny. They took part in a drama lesson where they freeze framed and had to mirror the reactions of some of the characters towards Trixie.

As part of the topic 'The Magic Toymaker', the children planned and made their own puppets that resembled their favourite toys or a toy they liked. 

The class had a Circle Time where they talked about things which are precious to them and thought about why the classroom should be treated with respect.

The children also were learning about the parts of a plant. They learnt what a plants needs to grow and be strong. They planted and watered their own bean plants and watched them grow. They recorded this in their own bean diary.

The children were lucky to have chicks in the Year 2 classroom. They had a chance to look at the life cycle of chicks and matched young and adult animals together to show how they change and evolve.

The children explored different materials and described them. They looked at different waterproof materials that could float and tested them out on water. The children then created their own waterproof bath toys that could float. 

Year 1 loved reading “Here We Are” and thinking about how we can be kind to the planet and to everyone and everything that lives on it. They talked about caring for the birds and made bird feeders which they positioned around our nature area.

The children have loved celebrating the chaggim in school and enjoyed creating their shoebox Succot with woven paper roofs.