Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 5

The children experienced an exciting cricket workshop with Middlesex Cricket Club. They enjoyed the session where they were able to practise their movement and ball skills, as well as learn the foundations of cricket. The children learnt about how to field and strike in cricket and the basic rules. The children particularly enjoyed the running and throwing skills as well as fielding. The children engaged well with the workshop and are enthused about cricket.

The children celebrated Purim whilst doing remote learning. They participated in a variety of activities, including creating their own hats to show good and evil, creating a story box for the Purim story and writing their own Purim playscripts. 
Another special remote learning experience was the Shabbat-In. This was held instead of the Year 5 annual Shabbaton so the children could still share their Shabbat experience together. This included a TEAMS Kabbalat Shabbat, Havdallah and a special box put together with all of the delights of a traditional Shabbat experience. This was greatly memorable and enjoyed by all in Year 5. 

The children enjoyed a day off timetable transporting back to Ancient Greece. The children participated in a variety of activities including putting on their own Greek plays and participating in their own Olympic games. This consolidated their learning about Ancient Greece this half term and was enjoyed by all.

Our topic in Science this half term was magnetism. We learnt many interesting facts about magnets and the children carried out an investigation to find out which materials are magnetic.
During Science Week, the children participated in a variety of challenges. These were centred around the Science topic of Forces. The children spent the half term learning about resistance, gravity, and friction. They participated in a variety of experiments around forces to work on their working scientific skill sets. This included experiment report writing. The children also enjoyed learning about Isaac Newton and his theories. Some activities the children participated in include creating a rocket that would launch without being touched with the materials provided and creating a bridge that would hold the most weight. The children also learnt about creating levers and pulleys. They investigated how to balance a lever with load and weight. 

During our first day back from remote learning, the children participated in a circle time to talk about their lockdown experiences. They shared memories, their achievements, and their hopes for the rest of the year. When they went back to class, the children created a target for the rest of the school year and it is hanging on display in the classroom to remind them of their goals for the academic year. 

The children have used technology in a variety of ways this half term focusing on coding skills and using Purple Mash to consolidate our understand of the 24 hour clock. The coding lessons have been interesting and the children have enjoined debugging their sequences to complete their challenges.

For World Maths Day, the children played a division scavenger hunt game. They had to divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. The team that found all of the answers correct first went out at the playground to look for the letters. 

In Art, the children used many different materials, like watercolours, clay and cardboard paper in order to make a representation of The Battle of San Romano. They put all of the soldiers, horses, flags, mountains, rivers and clouds that the children made into a box.

The children enjoyed visiting Moat Mount this half term. The trip was a wonderful opportunity for the children to bond as a class and develop team work skills. They were able to communicate effectively during activities, and build trust with each other. They were able to practise taking turns speaking and listening to solve the challenges quickly and efficiently. The children also enjoyed learning about orienteering and practising these skills. They went on a scavenger hunt, led by their own map work skills. Overall, the children thoroughly enjoyed their day and it was a memorable experience for the class.

The children enjoyed story mapping the film 'Oktapodi' (2007) together in groups. They were able to create seven boxes to draw and retell the story. The children wrote their emotions for how the characters were feeling in our Zones of Regulation colours. The children used thesauruses to ensure that their word choices were effective. 

During Road Safety Week, the children created their own board games to teach other children how to cross the road safety. They covered a variety of important Design and Technology skills including planning and designing. The children presented their games to the class practicing their speaking skills in explaining their games clearly to the rest of the class. They also had lots of fun playing the games.

During Art this half term, the children have looked at a variety of artists. They have looked at Van Gogh and his Starry Night to create their Chanukiahs. The children have also looked at the work of Banksy and designed their own street art around anti-bullying and kindness. They have taken part in a variety of DT projects including designing Chanukah cards, mazes, their own board games and a Solar System model. They worked well in groups to do this and worked on their team building skills.

The Year 5 children made posters to inform the Year 1 and 2 children about how to stay safe online. When the they finished their work, we put it on display, took a picture of it and shared it with the rest of the school during assembly.