Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 6

It has been an exciting time for Year 6 during the Summer term before they transition to Secondary School in September. Over the course of the Summer term, they spent time preparing for the next steps of their education by covering the relevant skills which they would need for secondary school. Some of the topics covered included:

· Organisation and preparation for secondary school

· How to use public transport safely to travel to and from high school

· Developing positive friendships and teamwork

· Bullying, keeping safe on the internet, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education through Streetwise 

 They really enjoyed taking part in sport activities lead by professional coaches and athletes and loved the virtual meetings with authors, scientists and our local MP.

The Year 6 class topic in the second half of the Autumn term was themed around space. Year 6 enjoyed learning about the earth and moon and researching different facts including the moon phases, sizes of planets, looking closely at the angle of the earth and how it affects our sunlight.

To extend our topic through Music and Art the children listened to the Planets by Gustav Holst and The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. Whilst listening the children drew what the music meant to them. The outcome was beautiful with some lovely detailed pieces of work.

The children were fortunate to have a trip to Moat Mount where they were able to work on team building skills. They took part in a variety of activities such as archery, nature walks and nature art. 

The children have worked hard and took part in various exciting art projects.

For Chanukah, the children also loved making Chanukah themed board games and using co-ordinates to create Chanukah themed pictures including reflections and translations. Well done Year 6!

The class have particularly enjoyed their work around the novel “Space Case” by Stuart Gibbs and worked well in groups to do some story planning in order to solve the murder on the moon. They have produced some impressive narrative and non-narrative writing linked to the book and took pride in their creative writing.

More fun team building activities at Moat Mount.

In class, the children worked hard to consolidate their fluency in maths of the four operations. This allowed the children time to partake in maths investigations around the concepts we were reviewing. This involved different materials including cubes, Venn diagrams and dice. The children looked at a variety of problems in groups and solved these together. This helped strengthen the children's problem solving and reasoning skills.

Year 6 also had a fascinating talk about anti-bullying from Streetwise, and focused on the role of the bystander. Please continue to talk to your children about knowing and doing the right act of kindness in given situations. The children also enjoyed their first insight into Parliament, looking briefly at its history and talking through what issues are important to them. This will be extended later in the school year.

In PE the children have continued to work with Maccabi, focusing on Rugby. It has been great to watch the children working as a team through this. During class PE, the children have been focusing on jumps, balance and precise movements. They have been using maths to help us find the average length of the jumps achieved.

There was a strong focus on PE and fitness following lockdown. The children learnt about warming up and the difference between static and dynamic stretching. We explored as a class a variety of different exercise types such as interval and HIIT training. The children were able to explore a variety of exercises and explain what they were targeting. The children then created and ran their own circuits for their class mates.

The class have enjoyed fully encompassing our topic of Achdut. The children did this by working on a variety of projects together. This included our Take One Picture piece which was led by the children creating their own piece of art based on The Battle of San Romano. The children led themselves through a clay modelling and painting project. They assembled the pieces together under their own direction to create a battle scene.