Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School


Come and see our highlights from 2017-2018.

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In the second half of the Summer term the children have been really busy building outside in the Foundation Stage Playground. They created a fruit shop, an office, jet skis and many more things for them to role-play with. They have used great imagination and vocabulary to role-play and have always included their friends, including Nursery.

Reception have loved learning about the Royal Wedding, the children have been pretending to get married in the role-play area. They especially liked pretending to be members of the Royal Family.


In the first half of the Summer Reception have been very busy planting their own vegetable patch and herb garden. The children know that they need to look after their plants and water them daily so they can grow. The children have loved smelling the herb garden, and are looking forward to using their herbs in cookery and playdough making.

Our IPC Topic is Transport. The children have used black road tape to make their own roads for their cars and bikes to drive along. They also independently created a lovely transport display using a variety of collage materials.

In the second half of the Spring term have been exploring and talking about the properties of 3D shapes in junk modelling. The children are able to notice different 3D shapes around the school and often point them out on their way to the Library or Lunch Hall.

In the first half of the Spring term our IPC Topic was 'Changes' the children planted seeds to see how they changed as they grew. They also had great fun playing with slime and ice. They talked about how we change as we grow.

The children created an African village in the sand tray and talked about the different animals in Handa's Surprise.

In the second half of the Autumn term, For Remembrance day the children created lovely poppies out of glass beads, glitter, buttons and tissue paper. They are very creative and love transient art where they can make pictures out of a variety of objects.

The children really enjoyed collecting Autumnal objects at home and bringing them in to school to explore. They looked at them closely with magnifying glasses; drew pictures of the different objects; labelled their pictures and sorted out the leaves into colour piles.


The children have enjoyed completing large floor puzzles with their friends.


The children have loved having a vegetable patch in the Foundation Stage playground. They have planted beans, peas, pumpkins and strawberries.

The children love our new lightbox! They have been making symmetrical patterns and looking at different colours through the light. They really like putting different colours on top of each other to see what colour they make. This has been great for developing the children’s fine motor skills, creativity and maths.

The children have been really interested in Superheroes, so we read Supertato. The children created their own super vegetables and writing their stories. They wrote stories in full sentences and remembered to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

The children have been making number bonds with Numicon and adding unifix cubes, as well as etimating how many objects are in jars.

In Jewish Studies the children have been learning about our Aleph Bet, here the children are making the letters that they have learnt out of play dough.

Reception have loved watching the weather change from Autumn to Winter. The children enjoyed exploring the snow and looking at their footprints. They even compared their footprints to see who had the biggest feet.

The children have also been very creative with their construction. They like looking at pictures at famous buildings and attempt to build them.

The children are learning to work together in teams to develop friendships and to learn to share and take turns. Some of the team building activities have included large floor puzzles and construction outside.


For Chocolate Week the Reception children made patterns out of chocolate, made chocolate playdough and tasted different types of chocolate. Their favourite activity was creating their own number line to 20 and matching the correct amount of chocolate squares under each number.

The children have been so excited to finish our Siddurim and are now using them during Tefillah every Morning. The children follow the words in their Siddurim whilst they say Tefillah.

To further extend their learning, the children brought in photographs of their parents getting married and wrote about weddings… the teachers even brought in their wedding photographs!

Our Literacy focus has been writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. To get the children interested in writing, we provided them with lap trays to lie on the floor and write with. This also improves their gross motor and fine motor skills. The children love the ‘secret paper drawer’ where they can get pieces of lined paper out and write whenever they want to.

The children have become independent readers, and enjoy reading a variety of books within the reading area. These children are reading about Walk to School Week, and are talking to each other about how they get to school.

In Reception the children have been looking at 3D shapes this term, which has linked nicely with Pesach. The children have explored 3D shapes in the sand and have created their own pyramids with plastic cups.

Our Maths focus this half term has been addition, one more and one less.

The children in Reception have been reading Handa's Surprise, and have learnt about where diferent fruits grow. This links with our celebration of Tu Bishevat where they had a fruitastic fruit party!

The children in Reception have learnt how to be independent learners and bakers. They are able to follow a simple pictoral recipe to make biscuits, cakes and challah!

In Reception the children are very creative! They asked to use conkers to paint with, they rolled the conkers in paint and in trays to create lovely colourful paintings. The children discussed what was happening to the colours as they mixed on their paper.

The children love phonics in Reception! The children have learnt lots of new sounds and they are learning how to form our letters correctly.