Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 3

Come and see our highlights from 2017-2018.

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In the first half of the Summer Term, the children have been looking at plants in their Science lessons.  They went outside to look at what plants need to grow.

As part of their topic learning on volcanoes and earthquakes, the children enjoyed a fantastic workshop where they created mini volcanoes using fizzing vitamins.

In the second half of the Spring term in English, the children created freeze frames to predict what happen in our book Ug - The Boy Genius of the Stone Age.

In JS, the class really enjoyed creating a rap about the ten commandments. 

As part of our Science learning, Mrs Hyman came in and spoke to us about the development and care of new born baby.

In PE, the children have been learning gymnastic shapes.  

At the beginning of the Autumn term, the children looked at estimating and counting in 10s in our Maths lessons. They had to collect a selection of objects, estimate how many there were and then count them accurately.

In Jewish Studies, we created freeze frames linked to the weekly parashah to represent the different scenes. This freeze frame was for Parashat Korach.

In Science in the second half of the Summer term, the children have learnt about forces and magnets. They investigated how much it takes to pull different objects using Newton meters.

To prepare for Shavuot, the children made cheesecake in their JS lessons as it is a custom to eat dairy foods.

In English, the children looked at the blurbs of different books to support their planning of a story set in the past.

In PE this half term, the children created a dance routine exploring the land, mountains and space. 

At the beginning of the second half of the Autumn term, Year 3 enjoyed a trip to our local orchard in Mill Hill.  


The children crossed the road outside school to learn how to cross roads safely.

As part of our Computing and Topic learning this term, the children have created excel spreadsheets to record all the results from the World Cup.

In Maths this half term, the children have been learning about fractions.  For their Home Learning, they created their own fraction adding game.  In their Maths lesson, the children played each other's games in the classroom.

To celebrate Purim, Year 3 baked delicious hamantashen with Miss Coren. 

At the beginning of the spring term, the children created newspaper outfits for a creative fashion show to introduce our topic of Fashion.

In Topic, the children created friendship pizzas and described what each of the ingredients represents in a friendship.

As part of our chocolate topic, the children created a chocolate wrapper for their knowledge harvest. They had to design a colourful front of the wrapper and write a chocolate fact on the back.