Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 2


Year 2 have learnt a lot about plants and what they need to grow. They carried out an investigation to see what beans would grow best. They loved comparing their beans from the fridge as well as those left in a cupboard and on a window sill. Do you know which ones grew the best?

In the second half of the Summer Term a highlight of this term was the Israeli Dance Festival with other Jewish schools. They have been working hard to learn all the dances and enjoyed dancing with their friends and waving flags.

The children explored making different amounts in different ways with the coins.  They then went on to adding and subtracting two amounts.

In the first half of the Summer term the children enjoyed creating their own Sound Collector poem with a range of instruments.  They then used this to support them with their writing.

Mrs Goss came into Year 2 to talk about her job and the children learnt how to sort objects correctly and how to fold a T-shirt.

In the second half of the Spring Term Dr Kaye came into speak to Year 2 about her job.  The children asked her very interesting questions.  She carried out a test on Mrs Hyman and checked her blood sugar after eating a Mars Bar!

In the first half of the Spring term the children read the book 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'.  They carried out hot seating where different children got into character and others asked them questions!

Autumn 2 the children have been studying Traction Man in English. One day the children came into school and had to investigate the crime scene!  They were all very excited and able to retell the story well!

To start the Autumn term the children wrote a memorable day that they experienced in the summer holidays.  They concentrated on saying their sentence before they wrote it.

Year 2 have had a fantastic Sports Day this term. They enjoyed participating in different races and cheering their classmates on. In PE this term they have also participated in lots of team races involving bat and ball skills. They have also begun to learn how to play a game of rounders.

Year 2 enjoyed their visit to the local area.

To celebrate Shabbat UK the children made Challah!

To celebrate TuBishevat this term, the children created pastel images of different fruits!

The children were very excited when their new family turned up at Etz Chaim.  They enjoyed the experience of watching each stage of the chicks life!

Autumn 2 our IPC topic was toys. The children enjoyed bringing in their favourite toys and sharing them with the class.  They got to ask and answer questions related to their toy.

To celebrate World Maths Week the children enjoyed solving word problems involving chocolate.

The children enjoyed sequencing the story of 'Mrs Armitage on Wheels.'

In Maths the children have been looking at numbers and sorting them using the greater than and less than signs.

The children also enjoyed a craft activity run by Seed where they created a family tree with their parents.

To celebrate Walk to School Month the children came to school on Tuesday 21st May in shoes that make them smile!

The children enjoyed the celebrations of Yom Ha'aztmaut.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Mrs Daly.  They learnt how to look after their teeth and why it is so important.

This half term the children have carried out lots of work on measures.  The children predicted hat object was the heaviest and then weighed them to check their results.

The children enjoyed created a life cycle of a chick on a Popplet showing each stage clearly.

This term, in PE the children have developing their throwing, catching and rolling.

The children enjoyed making and decorating their menorahs for Channukah.

The children used an app called Popplet to create a mind map showing what they already knew about different types of transport.