Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

Year 5


In the second half of the Summer term Year 5 enjoyed a Victorian Day with playing a range of Victorian games. The children loved learning how children entertained themselves during the Victorian Era. The children loved learning a range of new cards games and compared it to the activities they like to play during wet play.

This term the children have been exploring the work of the artist John Sabraw. The children have been recreating his work on a range of different materials using different types of paints. The children then compared the advantage of each material when recreating his work.  

The children had so much fun creating and planning their Pesach craft. The children were able to sew to piece of fabric together and include buttons on their designs.

In the second half of the Spring term, the children investigated the properties of yeast by mixing it with sugar and water. The children watch the particles move from a solid to a liquid and then a gas. The children were able to record their findings.

The children enjoyed a trip around London where they learnt about the history behind St Pauls Cathedral.

In Autumn 2, the children learnt about the different phases of the moon by creating them using biscuits. The children then labelled and identified them in their books.

The children used the batique skill to create their Chanukah craft. Here they are creating their design by drawing the outline using PVA glue.

In the Autumn term the children created felt keyrings for Sukkot. They designed their keyrings to represent Sukkot and created them independently.


During chocolate week, the children measured the temperature of frozen, melted and room temperature chocolate in order to understand negative numbers.


The children used their knowledge of nets to create 3D buildings. They had guidance sheets to help them but worked independently on the task. They created buildings by either using individual polygons shapes or by creating their own nets out of square paper.

In PE this term the children completed a circuit of different field activities. These included: javelin throwing; hurdles; beanbag and hula hoop throwing and skipping. 

The children this term have been compiling facts on different extreme conditions by using the internet. Through this activity the children learnt how webpages are ranked, how to find reliable sources and how to summary facts into their own words. 

Using their understanding of mixed numbers and improper fractions, the children played dominoes. The children had to match the mixed numbers with the correct improper fraction.

The children learnt about levers by creating a seesaw and and balancing different weights on either side. The children were able to distinguish between the fulcrum, load and effort. 

Year 5 had such fun on the Year 5 Shabbaton where they got to experience Shabbat as a class.

During Mental Health Awareness Week the children enjoyed a yoga lesson where they learnt about balancing and the importance of finding time for themselves and regulating emotions.

The children enjoyed their Interfaith Day with the Year 5 St Paul’s class. The children learnt about the importance of identity and had the opportunity to make new friends.

To help the children understand our film French Roast, the children re-enacted and made predictions on what was going to happen next using our small world area.


During Science Day the children created the different systems in the body. This group were creating the Muscular System using a range of different materials.

The children applied their angle understanding to finding the degrees of a range of reflex, acute and obtuse angles.

In SPAG this term the children learnt how to use dashes and hyphens in the correct context. The children inserted these pieces of punctuation into their own writing.

With Tribe, the children created Mishnoach Manot baskets which were sent to different families within the community.

The children learnt from our school book about an abandoned boat. The children planned and performed plays about what happened moments before the ship became a ghost ship.

To help understand the different colours on a colour wheel, the children created colour wheels and learnt about complimentary, contrasting, primary and secondary colours.

The children learnt about bike safety when completing Bikeability. The children strengthened their cycling skills and learnt about the importance of indicating and bike care.

To help strengthen their understanding of the different planets in our solar system, in groups the children created the planets. They selected materials based on their understanding of the surface of the planet. This group here were creating Venus.

The children have been practising their observation skills by drawing our wooden man. This has helped their understand the different parts of the body.


During P.E. the children have been comparing different intensity sports and how they impact our heart rate. Here the children were seeing the impact of jogging.