Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School


During Science Week the children made several experiment they chose. We made our own cakes to see what changes occur in cooking.

The children had been learning about Chinese New Year. They made 'a colourful chip for Chinese New Year'. 

The children were lucky enough to have a drama class and were acting out being different parts to story.

The children had been reading about different zoos in Reception. They then decided to build their own zoo and used the toy animals to show this.

The children were learning about objects that were bigger or smaller than them. They then decided to build a tower that was bigger than them.

During the Summer Term, we have been learning using lots of technology in our own homes to continue our learning journey. We have been completing a weekly choice board with different activities for us to do at home. We have learnt how to measure different objects, write our own calculations, write our own sentences with finger spaces and much more. 


The children returned back to school with their big smiles. We continued our learning journey. We have been practising our writing using capitals letters and finger spaces. We have been writing lots of sentences about what we are excited for in Year 1. We have also been practising our number bonds to 10. The children have done an amazing job completing their Aleph Bet and we really enjoyed creating our Aleph Bet video for our families.

During Chinese New Year the children made some spring rolls. They learnt to roll the pancake.

The children have been learning learning music in a fun and engaging way. They have to act parts out based on the music they hear and interpret the music to do so.

The children were reading a book around the day of astronaut. The children built their own space rocket and were telling us all the aliens they saw.

The children were looking through the books and finding their sounds they had been learning in phonics. They also were looking at the pictures and discussing what we saw.

The children were using items in the shop and copying the cubes. This was helping them count the cubes and make their own tower of cubes.

During a PE lesson the children were learning how to stretch like different animals. We based this on our book Rumble in the Jungle.

During Tu Bishevat The children were learning to dance to different tempos of music. They used some instruments to follow the beat.

The children were learning what happens to water when it is really cold and freezes. The children left some water outside and the next day investigated what had changed when it had frozen.

The children were reading Six Dinner Sid and wanted to build the town from the story. They used post-it notes to label the houses with numbers.

The children were taught how to make their own playdough. They were able to use the cups to measure how much of each ingredients they needed.