Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

World Thinking Day

Monday the 22nd of February was World Thinking Day.  This is a day when all Rainbows, Brownies and Guides all over the world come together to celebrate the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.  
Its aim is to bring together children from all over the world (nearly 150 countries take part) to celebrate international friendships and think about a global theme, which is changed each year. This year the theme is ‘Connection’, inviting all Rainbows and Brownies to explore and celebrate the meaningful connections that make our lives better, whether to the people closest to us, to a place we care about, or to a Girl Guide or Girl Scout friend on the other side of the world. 
It is customary for girls to wear their uniforms on Thinking Day as a mark of respect and to remind themselves of the promise that they made when becoming a Rainbow or Brownie. 
We enjoyed joining in with 10 million girl guides round the world and welcomed our Rainbows and Brownies to Etz Chaim where they came to school in their uniforms.