Etz Chaim Jewish Primary School

World Maths Day


For World Maths Day, each class took part in different Mathematic-themed activities.


Some classes solved addition and subtraction calculations in order to find puzzle pieces hidden around the room. There was a scavenger hunt in a few classes, where the children had a variety of addition, subtraction, and multiplication questions. The answers to the questions were a clue to a hidden phrase. The children had great fun finding the clues around the classroom. Other classes had to divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and then looked letters to solve a riddle. Year 6 started their day with a special maths multiplication colour by number. They had to figure out which were answers they were looking for and colour them. They then participated in a school wide TT Rockstars competition. The children continued the maths related fun with a scavenger hunt outside and in the classroom on the theme of Prime Factors. They enjoyed cracking their code and finding what the secret message was!